A journey to writing vanilla web components
Part 3: Events
If you come from the React world, it’s kind of the equivalent of callback props
Write a completely useless − yet experimental − component <events-demo />
The specs:
- Emit the event
using a button - Emit a custom event
using another button - Be able to use listeners shorthand

The template (HTML)
First, let’s start with our web component template:
<!-- index.html -->
<template id="events-demo-template">
<button id="dispatch-change">
Trigger change Event
<button id="dispatch-sayhello">
Trigger custom event "sayhello"
The component constructor
Now let’s see how we can dispatch those events using our buttons:
As always, let’s start with the boilerplate:
// events-demo.js
…export class HTMLEventsDemoElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
const template = document.getElementById(
if (!template) {
throw new Error("<events-demo /> template is not defined");
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
Now that we are settled, let’s add methods to dispatch our events “change” and “sayhello”:
// events-demo.js
…export class HTMLEventsDemoElement extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {…} dispatchChange () {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
} dispatchSayHello (detail = '') {
const customEvent = new CustomEvent('sayhello', { detail });
if (this.onsayhello) this.onsayhello(customEvent);
And finally, let’s trigger those events when the user clicks on a button:
// events-demo.js
…export class HTMLEventsDemo extends HTMLElement {
constructor () {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
}); this.shadowRoot
.addEventListener("click", () => {
this.dispatchSayHello("Hello from the other side…");
} …
Aand we’re done !

Using our component

Now we can use our component <events-demo />
and add event listeners to it, using JS. Check out the demo: